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坚持到底的英文(lead to do和lead to doing有什么区别)
发布时间:2022-10-23 00:01 点击:次
lead to do和lead to doing的区别;
1、ead to do是诱惑引诱怂恿的意思,lead sb to do / lead to do 可以解释为:引导;导致或诱惑。
2、lead to doing 是导致的意思,lead to doing是lead to sth的变体。
lead to do
1、In Europe, people believed that dreams were evil and could lead people to do bad things.
2、To lead, to do, and to experience is the best way to learn.
3、Can lead people to do the strangest things.
4、Linda's increase in importance do not lead he to do bombastic speeches at the party.
5、Scability testing buys us confirmation of predictions about what will happen before it happens, buying the lead time to do the right thing when additional capacity is needed.
lead to doing
1、Contemplate what you are looking for in a partner and don't let Jealousy and anger lead to doing the wrong thing.
2、Ironically, this may lead you to doing more instead of less.
3、Emotional decisions can lead you to doing things that you never wanted to do, these things could have a very bad impact on your life.
4、In principle, increasing labour productivity ( aka destroying jobs) could lead to us doing less work for the same material gains.