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    小学英语小报(英语小报my winter holiday5~10句话)

    发布时间:2022-10-21 01:53 点击:

      The winter holiday is coming.Today,thestudents union advocate organising some volunteer activities.Forinstance,cleanning the streets is one of them.From my point of view,I choose to nurse theold people in gerocomium,for which the Spring Festival is coming,however,theyhave to spend it alone without sons and daughters.They are keen on being warmedtheir hearts.Meanwhile,I prefer to call on protecting the environment.Nowadaysall kinds of pollution are becoming incresasingly worse.It's high time that allof us realise the bad condition and take some measures to solve it.It is not enough to rely on volunteers toset examples.What's more important is that everyone is rich in sense ofresponsibility.译:寒假即将来临,学生会组织发起一些活动。例如,打扫街道就是其中之一。对于我来说,我会选择去照料敬老院里的老人,因为春节即将来临,然而,没有子女的他们只能孤单地度过春节,他们渴望得到心灵的温暖。同时,我更喜欢去呼吁人们保护环境。如今各种各样的污染愈加严重,我们应该意识到状况的严重性,是时候采取一些措施解决环境问题了。当然,只有志愿者的模范带头作用是远远不够的,重要的是我们每一个人都充满社会责任感。



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